**Transcript of Video Message**

Important Message from DEAFvibe & the Board of Trustees

My name is Ali France – many of you know me. 

The Board of Trustees want to update you all as people are starting to ask when the Cafe DEAFvibe will open again. The last 7 months has been a very difficult and challenging time for all us, for our families and friends because of COVID.

DEAFvibe has not been able to deliver the monthly Cafe, the weekly VIBE group and twice monthly HUB since March.  Even our annual Deaf Day had to be postponed and then cancelled which was very disappointing. Like many charities – we have to think about the future and what we do next because COVID has not gone away and the risks are still very high. 

DEAFvibe have a responsibility to make sure that everyone is safe and we do not want to take any risks or to put your health at risk. Your safety and wellbeing is of paramount important to us. This means that there will be no face to face Cafe, HUB or VIBE group for the rest of this year at Bradwell Lodge.  

I know many of you will be very disappointed but this is the right decision especially now the 2nd COVID peak is hitting the UK with more restrictions.  The Trustees will review the situation again in January 2021. 

Because of my own full-time work commitments, DEAFvibe have not been able to look at setting up new projects through Zoom or Microsoft Teams and this means it has been difficult for us to support deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people in different ways. 

Many of you know that I have been involved in DEAFvibe for 10 years since the official launch in 2010. But having this break has helped me to think about what DEAFvibe needs to do next and what is best for me and my family.

DEAFvibe now has to change to protect its future. We need people with new ideas who want to get involved in new projects and have the enthusiasm to continue the positive work we have done so far and to take DEAFvibe on its next journey. 

I still want to be involved. But now is the time for me to take a step back – not to give up or walk away – but to give other people or organisations the opportunity to get involved who have the time, skills, expertise and experience to develop services that empower and support deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people and to make a difference in Staffordshire and Stoke. 

Without time from volunteers or funding from organisations, it will be become difficult for DEAFvibe to continue in the future . Maybe you will all be shocked by this news  but we will not make any decisions without informing you all.  For those people or organisations who can support DEAFvibe, please contact me or speak to one of our trustees – our contact details will be at the end of the video.

DEAFvibe continues to receive queries via email, text, telephone or via message through the DEAFvibe facebook page and we are more than happy to continue to support everyone in this way for the next few months.  

I hope this helps to give you some insight and reassurance into DEAFvibe’s current position and we will continue to keep you updated. 

At the end of the video will be contact details for Social Services at Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent if you are struggling and need support. Or contact DEAFvibe and we will support you or signpost you to other services. 

Stay safe and stay well and look after yourselves.