Our Vision & Ethos

DEAFvibe’s Vision and Ethos which also represents our Aims and Objectives are to support individuals who experience a hearing loss or dual sensory loss whether from birth, gradual or sudden. We also offer support, advice and guidance to their families, friends and carers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent as well as surrounding areas. DEAFvibe will work with organisations locally and nationally in the interests of this specific client group to:

  • To empower individuals in all aspects of their lives;
  • To create a safe, friendly and relaxed environment where individuals can communicate, share feelings and offer support to each other;
  • To create opportunities for individuals to accept and develop skills in coping with their own experiences of deafness and deafblindness;
  • To encourage individuals to use their expertise and knowledge to empower others;
  • To offer advice& information to individuals enabling them to make informed choices which promote their independent living;
  • To promote belonging and inclusion at all times;
  • To signpost individuals to other services locally and nationally.
  • To encourage, support and enable individuals to take ownership in new projects to aid their learning and personal development.
  • To abide by and follow all current UK legislation.

Our Trustees

DEAFvibe is a Deaf-Led Charity which consists of the Board of Trustees who meet on a regular basis.

All Trustees appointed to the Board are all volunteers from different backgrounds and are invaluable to the running and development of DEAFvibe. Trustees themselves are Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing and all have valuable knowledge and expertise in which they can offer DEAFvibe. They are also aware of the problems faced by deaf people in their daily lives and are committed to the development of projects that will benefit this client group.

The Board of Trustees will look at progress to date, explore future developments and projects for DEAFvibe and identify new funding streams. They also ensure that the financial records are kept accurate and up-to-date. The Trustees work together to ensure we follow the vision and ethos of DEAFvibe.

We also look at how we can work together with Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafened and Deafblind people as well as their family, friends and carers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

DEAFvibe is reliant on applying for funding streams from a variety of funding providers. We are also extremely grateful to the many people who have provided donations, legacies and assist in fundraising events to support DEAFvibe.

Without the support from our family and friends, the trustees and our volunteers, DEAFvibe would not exist and we would like to thank everyone for your ongoing support and commitment to this Charity.

DEAFvibe are always looking for new Trustees to join the Board. If you have expertise, knowledge, skills and experience that you wish to share, have time on your hands and are able to offer regular commitment to support this worthwhile Charity, please drop an email to: info@deafvibe.co.uk – we would love to hear from you!


DEAFvibe aims to encourage volunteering for those people who want to be involved in projects that aim to improve the lives of Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafened and Deafblind People living in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

DEAFvibe values all our volunteers and trustees and we take great pride in ourselves in identifying gaps and developing much needed projects. We want people to feel empowered and to achieve a sense of belonging in their Community.

When you become part of DEAFvibe, your valuable commitment, time, energy and enthusiasm will help positively to change the lives of many individuals.

If you want to offer your skills and time as a volunteer, why not send us an email or send us a text to find out more about how you can get involved.

Email: info@deafvibe.co.uk

Text only to Mobile: 07923 489800