The DEAFvibe HUB is a unique service in which we can offer one-to-one support by Advisors in relation to your hearing loss, hearing aids & maintenance, coping strategies & emotional support, dealing with communication barriers in the home, socially and at work and much more! We have a range of equipment on display i.e. amplified telephones & doorbells, alarm clocks, loop systems for the TV, Smoke Alarms for Deaf people and much more – this allows individuals to try out equipment before buying direct from equipment suppliers! We also offer advice & support to those people who have mild – moderate hearing loss and are no longer able to access free NHS Hearing Aids. We also offer support if you have find it hard to understand written letters or have problems in accessing services due to discrimination.
No appointments are needed but there may be a wait during busy times. You will be warmly welcomed and refreshments are available whilst you’re waiting (small donations are welcomed!).
The most important message for people visiting the HUB is that “We Understand and We Care” – you will meet advisors who are deaf themselves and who are able to empathise with you. We have experienced your barriers, your frustrations, your tears, your isolation. As an invisible disability, deafness for many people can be isolating and frustrating and is one of the least understood disabilities.
When: 1st and 3rd Friday of every month
Time: 10am – 3pm
Where: Bradwell Lodge Community Centre, Bradwell Lane, Porthill, Newcastle under Lyme ST5 8PS. The Lodge can be found by the roundabout of Bradwell Lane and Porthill Bank and opposite Cargo Car Spare Parts. There is free car parking available at the front and at the rear of the building.
Additional Specialist Support is also available at the HUB:
1st Friday of Month – this session is also attended by a Welfare Rights (Benefits) Officer from Newcastle Borough Council who can offer support with PIP, DLA, Universal Credit, Attendance Allowance & letters from DWP. Appointments are required due to high demand – please text 07923 489800 to request an appointment.
3rd Friday of the Month – this session is also attended by Children & Family Support Officer from National Deaf Children Society (NDCS) who can offer support with benefits, advice linked to education and much more for deaf children and their parents.