What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that helps with the extra costs of a long-term health condition or disability for people aged 16 to 64. It’s gradually replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

It is a non-means tested benefit. So getting it doesn’t depend on how much you earn, or whether you have savings or capital.

Children under 16

You can’t make a claim for PIP for children under 16.

Instead, you can still make a new claim for Disability Living Allowance for a child aged under 16 who has difficulty getting around or who needs more care than a child of the same age who doesn’t have a disability.

If you’re already claiming Disability Living Allowance

If you’re already claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA) you will get a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (or the Social Security Agency in Northern Ireland) inviting you to make a claim for Personal Independence Payment.

This will happen even if you currently have an indefinite or lifetime award of DLA

For more information about Personal Independence Payments CLICK HERE (BSL Signed Video – Information from DWP website)

For more information about Personal Independence Payments CLICK HERE (Information from DWP website)